iya nih wio... tapi gue masih bete soalnya masi bingung dgn templetnyah
do I really HAVE TO type in HTML everytime I blog????
please help.. cause this sucks and tiring...
god, I'm so stupid at this
an**ng!!!!! gue salah masukin nama file
ih geblek
yaaaa keapus deh index filenya
hiiihhhh tak semudah yg saya bayangkan...
hmm.. never thought this gonna happend. I am finally decided to use blogger and leave my online diary. Strange... cause I always see this thing as a trend that everybody use (like the gbook.nu syndrome... remember..??). And that you have to go online to blog...??? please.
but yep.. it is surely efficient. Just type, click, and walaaa!!! You're blogging. And I got bored with this boring domain, so I need something to lighten it up. So there.